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Strategy and Analytics

Creating a challenging vision for your business whilst using your data to ensure you are making the right decisions

Companies increasingly have a range of options when thinking about their future. Should they grow the existing business? Expand internationally? Make more use of technology? The range of choices can seem bewildering, especially when multiple opportunities are to be pursued at once.


We develop insightful strategies that give you the necessary direction, while also being practical and deliverable. Our work is mindful of the competition and capabilities of your business, but one factor is paramount: we always start with your customer. 


We break down our approach to strategy projects into three areas:


  • Vision Setting - analyses the different options and arrives at a clear view on the future for your business.


  • Business Planning – lays out everything that needs to be done to deliver your vision. With an emphasis on ensuring it is understandable, manageable, and deliverable by your team. We put everything that needs to be done on one piece of paper – so the whole business can see it, and see where they fit into the overall plan. This results in a solid connection from the vision of the business, through the plans for change, down to the objectives and measures of individuals in your team.​


  • Business Cases - We are big believers in ensuring strategies are value adding, and make use of insightful and pragmatic business cases to help make the big decisions. Weighing up the investments to be made now with the benefits to be realised over time.



Any work we do is underpinned by analytics: even relatively simple analyses can yield powerful insights to improve your business, and drive value directly to the bottom line. We help you gather and analyse new and existing data, building robust models to add confidence to your decision-making and drive efficiency throughout your operations.


This analytical support extends to helping our clients to make critical M&A decisions. We utilise our industry expertise, strong network circle and hands-on knowledge to stay close to the high performers and rising stars in retail. We offer detailed insights into your target organisations, incorporating rigorous analysis and deployment of knowledge to provide comprehensive evaluations for both buy side and vendor engagements.


There are lots of different types of analysis projects but the approach we take is generally the same:


  • We work with the experts in your business to determine the inputs to the analysis exercise

  • We shape our approach through engagement with stakeholders

  • We carry out the analysis and keep stakeholders engaged with an early view of the outputs

  • We summarise our outputs and provide deliverables in the form of insight, tools or recommendations supported by the analytical methods we have used



Our success rate speaks for itself: 100% satisfied customers over the last four years. 

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